Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wake-Up Calls

Max flung himself on me this morning at about 6:45, and a few minutes later, I heard Sophia's footsteps race down the hall to our room.  Wishing so desperately for a few more minutes of sleep, I knew the day had begun as I made space for them in bed.  And then I thought of a mom of two college-aged boys who I saw in the office a few weeks back.  She had said that she can't believe how quickly time flies, that she hates saying good-bye to her sons at the end of the summer, that sometimes in the mornings, she lies in bed and wishes that her boys were little again so that they could could running to her room in their PJs.  What she said hit home with me this morning.  Instead of groaning for more sleep, I told myself to appreciate little moments like I had at 7AM, when the kids snuggled up against me.  I know there will come a day when my kids won't need me the way they do now, and then I will want to turn back time.  But when that day comes, I do hope I'll be getting more sleep.


  1. Oooh! You made me tear up! So true.

  2. Now that I have a newborn (again), this totally rings true. I'd love to get more sleep, but I also know from the first two kids that this stage passes really quickly (although it doesn't seem that way right now), and so I've really been savoring even the middle-of-the-night wakings. It won't be long before she's grabbing her own food from the fridge and doesn't need mom...
