Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Too Much TV?

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends limiting a child's television viewing to one to two hours per day.  By ten o'clock this morning, my kids already had their day's fill.  I remember one of my mentors during residency telling a mom that the TV should never function as a babysitter.  He was an older pediatrician, and now that I use the TV so readily when I need a moment to empty the dishwasher or clean up the kitchen after breakfast, I wonder about his words.  Did he ever have to care for his kids by himself?  Maybe his wife dealt with all the child care in his house.  Perhaps he was never left alone with two young children when the hours stretched ahead endlessly.  There are only so many coloring and art projects that I can do.  I also hate to admit it, but I am not the best "player" in the world.  Sometimes I just don't relish getting on the ground to push trucks around and around nor do I love spending hours rearranging furniture in a doll's house.

I am determined, though, not to feel guilty.  There are so many things that make moms feel guilty these days, but I don't think letting my kids watch TV should be one of them.  I know I try.  I spend as much time with my children as a I can, and they know I love them to bits.  If I need the TV to give myself a break every now and then, so be it.  As a pediatrician, I tell moms what the AAP recommendation is for limiting screen time, but I also let them know that for the sake of a mother's sanity, it is only a guideline.

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear!! I, as a mom of 2 small children, am forever feeling guilty about the amount of T.V they watch.
    I always thought that the AAP's suggestion on television was a bit unrealistic on some days.
