Friday, August 6, 2010

Learning To Follow My Own Advice

A mom called last night, frantic and weeping.  Her seven-month old daughter had rolled off the bed.  The child hadn't lost consciousness or vomited after the accident and now seemed fine.  But this poor mother was the one crying even though her baby had calmed down.  I reassured her as best I could, telling her to call me back if the baby developed lethargy or vomiting.  I tried to make her feel better by telling her how Sophia had rolled off our bed at about the same age.  But it's so much easier to tell someone else to calm down; I remember how upset I was when Sophia had fallen.  The worst part about Sophia's accident was that it had been my fault and only my fault.  My husband had been in another room, and I had turned my back for one second after placing Sophia in the middle of the bed.  The guilt that consumed me was only magnified by the fact that I always warn parents never to leave their babies unattended on beds or changing tables or any high surface.  I did not like learning the hard way to practice what I preach.

1 comment:

  1. I can really relate to this story. My 6 mth old daughter (at the time) rolled off the bed under my husband's watch. I felt that perhaps if I were there it wouldnt have happened.
    Nice to know Im not alone.
