Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Girls From Residency

It's been awhile, but this weekend brings Natascha, Karen, Mimi, Allie and me together again.  We are just missing Abby.  These are the girls I laughed, learned, suffered, and cried with throughout our 3 years as pediatric residents.  It was over a decade ago, and none of us had children then.  Now between us, there are thirteen kids and maybe more to come.  This is a special group for me because these girls understand that being a pediatrician doesn't make it easier to be a parent.  Yesterday Mimi was worried about her youngest who was suffering from a fever.  If we had been with other friends, there might have been a comment, "Oh, you're lucky, Mimi.  You're a pediatrician.  You know exactly what to do."  Yes, we can all dose Tylenol in our sleep, but that doesn't mean we have a crystal ball into the cause of the fever or how long it will last.  And our training doesn't mean we worry less when our own children get sick.  But with this group of girls, I share a unique bond, because we know that pediatric training and the grueling years of residency are no match for the challenges of motherhood.

1 comment:

  1. So nice to see you! Love your blog. Very funny Goh!
    Miss you already

